Friday, August 31, 2012

My Return to Blogging (for today)

Ok.  So when my sister asked me to help her set up her blog before she made her long trek to Bulgaria, I noticed that it had been since last May since I had updated my own.  There is no excuse for this.  Well, actually, there are a million excuses for this.  Most of them have to do with the three toe-headed monkeys that require more snacks and drinks than a large adult man should consume.  Who knew I would birth three sons, each with a hollow leg?  The nurses never told me about this anatomical anomaly after their initial assessment.  (BTW, the only way I’m getting this posted at this very moment is that the older two monkeys are at school, and the littlest one is in a trance while watching “Gabba, Gabba.”  That show and I have a love/hate relationship.  I despise that DJ and his crazy antics but I love that they hypnotize my youngest into sitting still for a WHOLE ten minutes at a time.  Oh, and they were just singing a song called, “Don’t bite your friends.”  Take a hint, Huddy!)  So anyway, my return to the blogmosphere has to do with my withdrawal I’m having from my beautiful younger sister.  Since I have yet to partake in the crazy iphone/ipad cult, I’m feeling as if this is the easiest way my sister will be able to follow along with the happenings of the crazy Stacy household.  So, Jess, this one’s for you!

*I just had to take a break to let Huddy out of the laundry room (that he locked himself in) because he wanted to eat an equal and he knew I wouldn’t let him. *

Jackson informed me this morning that we flew to see Grandma and Grandpa in Houston so there is no reason why we can’t go fly to see Jessi play her basketball games.  I agree, there is no reason.  I, however, will not EVER be accompanying three boys under the age of 6 on a 20 hour flight to a country where no one speaks my native language.  So, if Jack can find a chaperone, he’s golden. 

*That was a brief two hour hiatus from blog-writing as I attempted to give my youngest some much needed attention and let him release some energy at the park.  I’m hoping for a good nap time now!*

So, there you have it.  My Friday  morning rant.  all star fan fest july 2012 356

Friday, May 4, 2012

The Road Leading Up to Now!


DSC_0122Here is a picture of my mother and myself prior to starting Weight Watchers.  I think I had a little Huddy in my belly at this time…but you get the picture!  Having 3 babies in 5 years does some crazy things to your body and before you know it, you are 60 lbs heavier than you were before you started…see the picture to the left! (and that is postpartum!).  I’m mostly blown away by my mom’s transformation!  Its extremely important to never forget from where you came so that you never get to back to that place!  We decided when we joined Weight Watchers this time that there wasn’t ever going to be a time where this was what we did.  They teach such healthy habits so that you lose the weight slowly and don’t set yourself up to fail when “its over.”  (There is no offseason!  Jenni, Carrie, and Katy-that was for you!)  We know now we are on a lifelong journey of healthy behaviors…and its so nice to have a partner in crime!  My leader, Becky, has also been extremely instrumental in my success.  She knows what we’re going through because she’s been there and she is a great support system (and very entertaining, too!).


198463_10150453397460611_560405610_18088554_3723129_n[1]This one is about 8 weeks into weight loss journey!





291709_10150757799440611_560405610_20620090_380282_n[1]DSC_1110Here is a picture of me 1 month prior to rejoining Jazzercise.  It was summer of 2011.  I was pretty happy with myself at this point.  I had no idea the changes that were about to occur with my body.  Jazzercise has been so many things for me.  Its mentally stimulating, physically challenging, and, most importantly for my husband and my boys, it is an outlet for me to release the stress of my day.  In the next chapter of this story, I hope to be an instructor for Jazzercise.  I am training my tail off because this is something that I truly believe in with my whole heart.  I hope that I can use my experience to inspire other people who are just getting started to fall in love with it, just as I have.  The Jazz instructors sometimes forget just how important they are to all of us…it’s the relationships I’ve made with those girls that has kept me going day after day.  Starla Yarbrough, the Liberty Jazzercise owner, goes out of her way to get to know her members and has truly found her vocation through Jazzercise.  She has a way of making everyone feel like they are the only ones in the room when she is talking to them, which is especially a feat if you know just how much that girl has on her plate at once!  She is amazing and has been quite the inspiration to me throughout this process.

298768_203338523064693_100001656392304_505590_980056370_n[1]1 month after starting Jazzercise.


384036_10150973868655611_560405610_22134988_2135510081_n[1]This is my sister and I on the day of my very first 5K!  Turkey Trot 2011!  I don’t think my sister will ever know just how inspirational she has been to me.  She has taught me so many things (even though she is 7 years younger!)  I have learned that, just when you think you can’t push yourself any more, you can.  I’ve learned that if you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything you want as long as you have the ability to give it your all.  She is a big reason I am where I am today.  I wasn’t blessed with the athletic genes of the family, but I sure love to dance!  She has shown me that if you’re passionate about something, it can take you wherever you want to go! 

166942_10150483244750168_691840167_9056455_1411208039_n[1]December 2011…Feeling so much better!


404863_10151249713470611_560405610_23137862_193143909_a[1]This is the family about 3 months ago…the best I’ve felt in a long time!


173156_100001049165509_334760906_n[1]So proud of my beautiful mama!374716_250178051714073_100001656392304_638197_1246119262_n[1]

525595_10151564567755611_560405610_24247694_1098808346_a[1]…and now the outside really is starting to match the inside!  I remember feeling so guilty at first leaving my children to go Jazz…but then I realize what an impact it has on the entire family for me to take care of myself.  I’m happier, have much more energy and most importantly I’m so much more patient with those beautiful kiddos!  I feel so lucky to be at this point right now and I’m excited to see where this path will take me next!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

3 Day Pre-K!

I remember thinking last year (during 2 Day Pre-K) “Gosh, I can’t imagine Jackson being away from me for 3 whole days.”  It was just in the last few weeks that I realized there is a natural occurrence that comes with the aging of your children.  I compare it to when I was a senior in high school and could not wait to get to Mizzou.  There is this natural separation that starts to happen between yourself and your parents.  It’s not a hateful or ugly separation…as a matter of fact, its very healthy.  Its just a natural progression into individuality, security and autonomy.  I’ve noticed this happening with my 5 year old.  Its on a different scale, of course, as he is nowhere near ready to move out on his own or take a college course.  He has grown up so much in the last six months, though.  He gets himself a drink (and a lot of times gets me a drink at the same time), he gets himself dressed (sometimes his shorts are on backwards and underwear is optional), and he is extremely opinionated about what the schedule for the day is (“Mom, I want to do something today”).  I love how grown up he has become.  I love it so much that I am so ready for him to be in PreK (3 days a week, of course!).


Thursday, July 14, 2011

Swimming lessons, Round 1!

We decided that this summer would be a perfect time for Jack and Brady to start swimming lessons.  It is a challenge for us to go enjoy the pool in the neighborhood this summer because of Huddy…and the lack of proficiency of the older two in even keeping their heads above the water.  Since we hadn’t done lessons before we thought we’d put them both in the parent-tot class (this requires BOTH of us to be in the water with them as we’ve had a near drowning with Brady just walking out of the ramp in the 3 foot pool.)  They have done unbelievably well and I think they’ve both learned quite a bit.  They were even the first two off the diving board into the 14 foot deep end last week!  Tuesday they were the first two to go down the slide in to the deep end…I’m so impressed!  I have been blown away by B-man and his courage to do whatever his big brother does!  He’s barely 3 and jumping unassisted off the diving board! (to the instructor, of course!).  This is quite the foreshadowing, I must say, of what their childhood is going to be like.  Jack and Brady…the fearless Stacy duo.  (In a few short years Hudson will complete the trifecta of Stacy-ness!)

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Fort Stacy

We have been looking and looking and swing sets for the boys.  You name the store, we’ve been there eyeing what they had in the way of monkey bars, slides, swings, and forts.  We came across the one at Sam’s and it just looked like a little boys’ dream.  A 4 level fort complete with picnic table, rock wall, slide, and swings.  A little out of our budget (we have to pay with cash, of course!) but we decided that it was now or never with this stage of the boys’ lives.  It is a little too difficult to take them on a family vacation this summer with Huddy being so young so this is our ‘Staycation.” We read all the reviews that said it would take a good 24-36 man hours to put together. (and by man hours I mean just that…hours put in by the man of the house, thank you Jason!)  With my dad all in to help with the dirty work and my mom willing to be the instruction reader/equipment gatherer we decided to make the purchase this past Monday.  We went in to Sam’s and found that they had dropped the price by $70 just in the few short days since we had been there last.  This, to me, is a sign from the swingset gods that we were meant to have this one.  (I am, of course, the discount diva Winking smile)  We only became slightly nervous when, from the wizard of oz-like door at the dock of Sam’s, the blue collar man told us he was going to get the “swing set forklift” to get our boxes.  My dad asked if we had a “swing set forklift” at home to put this ‘damn thing’ together (paraphrased, of course).  After about 5 hours inventorying all the Cedar wood (best smell ever) and the millions of nuts and bolts, the guys were ready to begin!  DSC_1075DSC_1080 - CopyDSC_1080DSC_1082 - CopyDSC_1086DSC_1094DSC_1096

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Strange obsession…

I have been oddly obsessed with the Casey Anthony trial.  It’s not that odd to me, though, because I was completely obsessed with the story when it was happening in 2008.  I just can not fathom any situation in which a mother could contemplate taking the life of her child…the very life that she just helped to create a few years prior.  Don’t get me wrong, there are days where I  think that I would do just about anything to have 5 minutes, even 5 seconds of peace where no one is tugging at my shirt tails and the “gimmes” are silenced.  I look at my children in awe, however, and that 5 short years ago their existence was a mere ‘twinkle in the sky’.  I love every cell in their body.  Every quirky thing about them.  Even the most difficult things I am able to be thankful for (in those quiet moments right before bed when I review the day.)  I dislike the arguments and the squabbles between them but I am thankful that they are intelligent, communicative individuals that have their differences.  I appreciate each child individually for the person that they are and the personality that they possess.  As I often proclaim, I used to think that children were shaped solely by their parents.  This is one thing that I have become more wise about in the last 5 years.  They come into this world with the personality that has been bestowed upon them and it is our job as parents to help “polish" them (as my mother says).  Jackson is so strong willed, witty, and compassionate.  I am constantly having to outwit him, even in my disciplining.  Braden is my peacemaker.  He is passionate about what he wants but won’t let that passion infringe on anyone else’s presence.  Hudson lights up the room with his smile.  (and it doesn’t take much to get that smile out of him, either!)  He is a true 3rd child…easy going, easy to please, and so quiet that you forget he’s there (yes, it’s already happened.)  I am most thankful for their health and secondly, that they each have a heart of gold.  A heart which their mama owns a piece of…and always will.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Omaha bound!

WE had a blast this week on our first family trip as a party of five!  We took Aunt Jessi with us since she was home for Spring Break, too.  We went up on Wednesday and spent about 3 hours at the Childrens Museum of Omaha.  It was a blast!  The boys’ favorite part was the science center which was a big conglomeration of balls and cranks and pulleys that move the balls around.  DSC_0018DSC_0034 We spent the majority of our time here.  There were also fun things like the water table, grocery store, and fire engine where the boys really used their imagination.  DSC_0077DSC_0088  When we go back to Omaha, we will definitely visit this place again!  It was a huge hit!  Maybe by then little Huddy boy will be able to enjoy it a little bit more!DSC_0015

The boys were able to swim at the hotel when we got home that night-always a highlight of vacations!  The next day (after a long night of not so much sleeping) we went to the Henry Doorly Zoo.  This zoo really puts the Kansas City Zoo to shame.  Most of it was indoors although we picked the perfect day to go!  It was overcast and just the right temperature.  We paused for a family pic in front of the waterfall in the Lied Jungle.DSC_0132I think that the boys’ favorite part may have been the penguins…or the chimpanzees playing with a box…or the Tigers…there were lots of favorites!  Here are a few pics of them:DSC_0114DSC_0146DSC_0136We loved this trip and can’t wait to go back again!